Providing for your esoteric needs
I've been delaying this blog post for a long time - mainly due to the fact that I thought it had to be perfect - but as "The Craft" opening scene indicates: "Now is the time, this is the hour..."

As this is my first post, it won't be EVERYONE'S cup of tea (Or coffee, but you see my point) and I'm ok with that.

Lets begin with the spelling of "Wytch." I know many people will tell me that it's "Witch," and I'm ok with that. Each to their own as they say. However, I have chosen "Wytch" simply to distinguish what I practice from Wicca. Not because I have anything against Wicca, it's just not for me. 

Now, I know that there are many theories as regards where the word came from, and I'd like to be able to use those as a reason. But that would be a lie. Ever since I was a child, I have always spelt "Witch" with a "y" when referring to myself. This was without any research into the origins, as I couldn't have cared two hoots back then. I will follow with a post about the history of the word, but that's not what I want my first to be about. 

If I had to describe my practice to you, I would use only one word: "Gypsy." I use that simply because I love being able to pick something I enjoy from one aspect, get back into my wagon, and keep on trucking towards something else. Over the years, I've accumulated knowledge on Ceremonial High Magick, Houdou, Wicca, Daemonology... You get the point. In an effort to not sound like a pompous windbag I'm not going to list my fortes - there are many - but rather keep things interesting and post about whatever tickles my fancy - much in the same way I deal with my practice. Being born in Africa, my craft has MANY African roots. Being of French heritage, it also has European influences. Having been brought up in a very Religious household, even that has influenced it. My only rule is -

"Nothing is fast and stuck, everything is supple and changing."

Anyway, the next few posts will be theory based and I'll be less of a "Chatty-Cathy" so until then,
Be Blessed

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    I'm Donovan, a 24 year old from South Africa. All things esoteric are my life - the intrigue me immensely - and I plan on keeping it that way


    August 2013



The Mystic Chandlery